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Certified Personal Trainer Courses

  /  Certified Personal Trainer Courses

ISSA Certified PT Diploma Course

Through a combination of online and live learning, the ISSA Liftdex Education version of the ISSA CPT course will take you from the beginning right up to Level 3 Personal Trainer certified. Gain all the theory and practical skills and knowledge you need to succeed in Personal Training.

ISSA Certified PT Upskill Course

ISSA Liftdex Education is delighted to be able to assist those who are already ISSA online certified trainers to upgrade their qualification to REPs UAE approved Level 3 Personal Trainer full status with our ISSA CPT Upskill course.

ISSA Certified PT Online Course*

Take the online only version of the ISSA Certified Personal Trainer course and learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home. Online learning plus online theory exam.

PD Approval Level 3 PT Diploma

Take the PD Approval Level 3 PT Diploma course and learn through combination of self-study and live workshops and assessment.

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