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A tactical Vest adds strength to your body while you exercise. Choose 12LB/20LB weight plats from this product.

Build your muscle with Dubai made Slam Ball. Exercise with high-impact exercise equipment from Liftdex Strength and Equipment.

Buy a quality Concept 2 machine for your home and commercial exercise. Liftdex offers the best for all Aerobic strength training.


Are you looking for quality home gym equipment in Dubai? Liftdex is the key manufacturer for you brave and standard gym equipment, we are a Dubai based manufacturer of gym equipment with factories all over the emirate of united arab emirate.  We are proudly certified and comply with the ISO 9001, 14001, 18001 and EN1090 standards. This alone gives you the insight of our quality production in Dubai. We manufacture series of Cardio Machine, Dumbbells, Weight Lifting Bench, Kettlebells, Barbells, Rigs & Racks,

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