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  /    /  Bells  /  Liftdex Competition Kettlebell

Liftdex Competition Kettlebell


Liftdex Kettlebell come in an array of sizes and weights—varying from around 8kg to 32kg. Kettlebells are suitable for all fitness levels. They are available in all kg weights.  The main difference between liftdex kettlebell to others is that the competition kettlebell has a slightly smaller handle diameter which stand firm while exercising. Liftdex  competition kettlebell is manufactured with solid material which has gotten popularity in the market. Our production are widely unique.

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liftdex Competition Kettlebell

Liftdex Manufactures a wide range of industrial-strength fitness equipment and accessories, including kettlebells, barbells,dumbbell, tactical vest,  block chalk,  dumbbells, weight lifting benches, racks,  bars & plates,  flooring, and lot-more.

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Additional information

Weight N/A

12KG, 16KG, 20KG, 24KG, 32KG, 8KG


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