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Liftdex Feed Sack


The Liftdex Feed Sacksâ„¢ are an updated version of an implement for CrossFit Games. The design has been repeatedly imitated in years, but this is the genuine UAE-made 1000D Domestic Cordura Construction bag with 8″ looped nylon handles, reinforced triple-stitched seams, and our funnel-filler opening for easy, precision filling.

We’re offering the Liftdex Feed Sack™ in two sizes:

  • 50LB Capacity*: 12″ tall x 29″ long
  • 100LB Capacity*: 15″ tall x 35″ long

*Important: The weight capacities above refer to the approximate maximum weight when filled with dry play sand. The maximum weight will differ when using other filler materials. Customers who opt to add an order of our crumb rubber filler to their order, for example, will have max loading capacities of approximately 20 LB (for the 12″ Feed Sackâ„¢) and approximately 40 LB (for the 15″ Feed Sackâ„¢). Additionally, these bags are not prefilled.

Please Note: The zipper protection flap is NOT designed to be a handle. Using the flap to pull the loaded bag may result in damage to the stitching and is not covered under warranty. Liftdex Feed Sacks are also NOT designed for slams or drags. Due to the nature of the fabric and the directed use, the bags may expand over time. The bag is without sand.


Gear Specs

Brand Liftdex Free Sact
Color Black
Made In USA Yes
Product Weight 50LB / 100LB only bag without sand
Length 29″ / 35″
Height 12″ / 15″
Other Product Specs 1000D Domestic Cordura Construction
SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information

Size Options

50LB, 100LB


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